Women's Health

Breast Concerns

Please do not hesitate to contact the sugrey if you have any concerns regarding your breasts. Our care naviagtors will be able to book you in to discuss this with one of our GPs or practice nurses.

Breast Self-Exam

Breast Screening (mammogram)

Cervical Screening: Smear Tests

Women aged between 24 and 64 should have a cervical screening every 3 to 5 years to help prevent cervical cancer. The screening is quick and painless and can be done here in the practice.

If you are aged over 24 and have never had a smear test, or if it has been more than 3 to 5 years since your last screening, you should arrange an appointment with our Practice Nurse. You should not have the test while you are having a period or in the 4 days before or after your period as this can affect the sample.

Read more about cervical screening on the NHS website.


If you would like to discuss having a coil or implant fitted, please call reception to arrange to speak to one of the GPs that are qualified to carry out these procedures.

Coils can be fitted at the surgery for contraception, emergency contraception, heavy periods or as part of hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Implants are fitted for contraception. They are small flexible rods that are placed under the skin in the upper arm, after making a small area of skin numb.

Coil Fitting

  • Please allow 30 minutes for the appointment
  • Coils can be fitted at any time of your cycle as long as you are sure that you are not pregnant, ideally day 1-5 of your cycle
  • They are effective as contraception after 7 days
  • For coil changes, please do not have any unprotected sexual intercourse for 7 days before the procedure
  • Mirena Coils are often used as womb protection when women are using HRT and are also the first line treatment for menorrhagia (heavy periods). 
  • Some people take paracetamol or ibuprofen 20 minutes before attending,  as the procedure can sometimes be uncomfortable​
  • A swab to check for infection is usually taken at the time of the fitting
  • Any pain usually settles quickly, but we usually suggest that you take it easy for a few hours after the fitting, with no heavy exercise/lifting
  • It can sometimes make women feel a little light headed or dizzy so it's advisable to have something to eat before your appointment and avoid heavy exercise prior to the fitting
  • We usually advise no sex/tampons for a week after the fitting 
  • Any risks are listed on the form on the sexual health matters link above
  • You will be told at your appointment how long the coil will last for, so when it will need to be changed
  • The coil has threads which hang through the cervix  into the top of the vagina. You will need to learn to examine yourself intermittently to check the coil threads can be felt
  • Please call reception if you have severe pain after the fitting, a fever, heavy vaginal discharge, or if the coil comes out or you cannot feel the threads (and use additional contraception until you are examined)

Implant fitting

  • Please allow for 30 minutes for an appointment
  • Implants can be fitted at any time in your cycle as long as you are sure that you are not pregnant, ideally on day 1-5 of your cycle
  • They are effective as contraception after 7 days
  • Implants are usually fitted in your non dominant upper arm
  • A small amount of local anaesthetic is injected under the skin and the implant inserted
  • A dressing and bandage will be applied which should be kept on for 2 days after the procedure
  • Your arm may ache for a 24hr period after the procedure, but if you have any ongoing issues please contact us

If you have any problems with either your coil or implant please ask reception to make you an appointment to discuss with the doctor who fitted it. 

For advice on all types of contraception, including emergency contraception, please see the sexual health services section.

Fit to Fly During Pregnancy

If you are over 28 weeks pregnant, your airline may ask you to get a letter to state that you are fit to fly.

Fit to Fly During Pregnancy Note


If you feel that you are suffering from the complications of your menopause, then please make an appointment to see or speak to Dr Thomas or Dr Degenar for more advice.

We are very happy to prescribe HRT in appropriate situations. We will need an up to date blood pressure before prescribing and it does need an in depth consultation.

Lifestyle choices play a big part in managing the menopause better. Stopping smoking, avoiding or reducing alcohol intake/ loosing weight / doing more exercise play a big part in the management.

We encourage you to regularly examine your breasts at home and attend for your cervical screening as recommended.

One of the safest ways to prescribe HRT is via the transdermal route, so Oestrogen via patches/gel/spray.

Any women with a womb will need endometrial protection in the form of a progesterone as well. This can be given orally, however one of the best and safetst ways to deliver the progesterone is via the Mirena Coil. For use as part of HRT prescribing it can be used for 5 years. Please see our Coil advice under the Contraception heading.

For some great advice on the menopause please see:

Menopause Matters

Menopause - NHS

Balance Menopause