July Newsletter 2024


Summer health

Keeping yourself safe in the summer months is important, as new risks arise with the onset of the summer months.

Some of the key risks of hot weather and how to prevent them are discussed below

suncream beach summer

Hay fever

Hay fever is a common allergy to pollen which can cause sneezing, itching, coughing, watery eyes and more. Hay fever usually only occurs in the summer and although it’s not a serious issue, it can be difficult to deal with. To try and prevent hay fever, you can put Vaseline on your nostrils, wear sunglasses, shower and change your clothes when coming in from outside, and take antihistamines. If your hay fever is causing serious issues or you are struggling to carry on with your day then have a chat with your pharmacist.


Dehydration is especially common when the weather is hot. Signs of dehydration can include dizziness, thirst, dark wee, and dry lips and skin. Avoiding dehydration is important. You should make sure that you’re drinking plenty of water that you cool down and stay in the shade, and consume foods that are also hydrating, such as fruit. It’s particularly important to keep an eye on your small children or babies.


Heatstroke can be caused by too much contact with the sun, being outside in very hot weather or exercising in hot weather. To avoid heatstroke, you should stay in the shade, drink plenty of water, try to avoid being outside in the middle of the day and wear light clothing. Heatstroke symptoms can include dizziness, nausea, cramps, a high temperature and other similar symptoms.

If you suspect that you or someone you know has heatstroke, you should try to move somewhere cool, remove clothes, drink water and cover the skin in cool water. If symptoms seem more serious or efforts to cool them/yourself down aren’t working, you should call 999.

Useful resources

Skin cancer

Skin cancer can be scary and worrying, and doing what you can to avoid the development of skin cancer is essential. Making sure you’re consistently applying suncream, checking UV regularly, wearing long clothes and staying out of direct sunlight all reduce your chances of developing skin cancer. Staying away from artificial UV, such as sunbeds, is also very important. Putting your safety first is vital.

What is skin cancer?


Domestic abuse and violence

Different kinds of abuse and violent behaviour are all dangerous, and reaching out for help, no matter how insignificant you feel it is, is really important. Talking to someone you trust or a medical professional can help you to figure out what to do, and how to deal with what you’re experiencing. Abuse can be emotional, physical, sexual or threatening. There are various people you can speak to on the NHS website below. Using these resources is the first step to making things better. If someone has seriously hurt you, or you’re concerned about your safety, you should try to call 999.

Getting help for domestic violence and abuse



Taking part in a parkrun can help you to stay fit, challenge yourself and meet new people. Taking part is a fun way to exercise and stay healthy. parkrun is a 5k run that happens every Saturday morning and is completely free. Regularly exercising is important for your mental and physical wellbeing.

Find your local parkrun


Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA)

JIA is the most common type of arthritis in children and teenagers. JIA is caused by autoimmune system issues and can be very painful. Symptoms usually include stiffness, warm and tender joints, unexplained tiredness, appetite loss and a high temperature. Getting your child checked if they have any of these symptoms is important, as catching it as early as possible may help with symptoms in the long term.

More information on Juvenile idiopathic arthritis


Group B Strep Support Awareness Month (1st - 31st July)

Ensuring you’re aware of the process of testing for Group B strep is highly important. Group B strep doesn’t have any symptoms, so making sure you test is key. The most important time to take a test is during pregnancy, and you need to catch it as early as possible in order to have the most minimal effects on your baby.

Every month in the UK, an average of 66 babies are diagnosed with a Group B strep infection. Out of these 66 babies, four will die. Not everyone is offered a test in pregnancy, and you’re most likely to be offered a test if you’ve had a baby with strep previously. During July, there are many different events taking place to raise awareness about Group B strep. If you’d like to find out how you can get involved or fundraise yourself, you can use the Group B Strep Support website links below:


Hyperpigmentation / Melasma Awareness Month (1st - 31st July)

Melasma is a common skin condition in adults that causes patches of skin to become darkened and brown or grey, usually on the face. It’s often more prominent in the summer months compared to the winter. Usually, it’s caused by hormonal changes such as pregnancy or the contraceptive pill. It can also run in families. If you’re concerned about what you think could be melasma, you should seek advice from a GP, and if they’re unsure, they may take a biopsy. If you want to avoid melasma, you should try to avoid direct sunlight, skin lighteners or chemical peels.


UV Safety Month (1st - 31st July)

Ensuring your skin is kept safe whilst in the sun is very important to prevent issues like cancer. The most effective ways of keeping yourself protected are using suncream, staying in the shade and wearing covering clothing. It’s important that your sun cream is at least SPF30, and UVA approved with 4 or 5 stars. It’s also important to remember that it’s not just hot weather that can burn you, and even if it doesn’t look sunny outside, the UV may still be high. 

Children are at greater risk from sunburn, especially when around water. Whenever your child gets out of the pool, you should dry them and reapply sun cream. Even if your sun cream is waterproof, it’s better to be completely sure that they’re protected. Making sure that they’re not in direct sunlight in the middle of the day is vital.


Good Care Month (1st - 31st July)

Good Care Month is all about celebrating the people who work in health and social care every day. Working in care can be an emotionally and physically difficult job, so taking the time to take care of those who take care of others is important. There are three main events taking place this Good Care Month with Well Nel’s Share & Shape, a session on sleep and taking care of your mental health. In order to support Good Care Month, or to access the help and facilities surrounding Good Care Month, please use the link below:

Good Care Month


Alcohol Awareness Week (1st - 7th July)

Alcohol Awareness Week is all about focusing on change and good habits. The focus is on understanding the harm that alcohol can do when it’s a consistent part of your life. Alcohol can affect your short-term and long-term health, as well as your emotional wellbeing and relationships. Alcohol Change UK is aiming to focus on changing the way that alcohol is advertised and marketed. They also want clearer labelling on alcohol bottles as this could help people to realise the impact of alcohol. The long-term effects of alcohol misuse are important to consider when choosing to drink. Symptoms and effects can include: high blood pressure, stroke, cancer, dementia, infertility and brain damage. These effects can cause life-long issues that may be incurable, and it’s important to consider this when choosing to drink alcohol.

If you’re struggling with alcohol addiction and you’d like to reach out for help and support, there are several places you can go to. Alcoholics Anonymous is one support group that you can reach out to if you’d like to get some help. Looking after yourself and others is important, especially when it comes to struggles with alcohol.


National Bereaved Parents Day (3rd July)

National Bereaved Parents Day is a day focused on those parents who have unfortunately lost a child, at any stage of life. The day aims to bring parents together to gain support from one another. This year the theme is “Love Lives On”. This focuses on remembering children who have passed away. This year, you can order a gift box for yourself or someone you know, containing items to show your support for National Bereaved Parents Day. On Wednesday 3rd July, people will be lighting candles to remember those we have lost.

National Bereaved Parents Awareness Day


World Population Day (11th July)

This day investigates the issues that surround the population of the world, and what we can do to help. The main focus includes aiming to provide contraception for everyone, to try and avoid unwanted pregnancies. It also focuses on making sure the health services available are of a good quality and reliable. To find out how you can support World Population Day, you can use the link below:

World Population Day


South Asian Heritage Month (18th July - 17th August)

South Asian Heritage Month (SAHM) seeks to commemorate, mark and celebrate South Asian cultures, histories and communities. The reason for this is to celebrate the influence that the South Asian community has had on Britain over the years, in respect of food, music, culture and more. Recognising the links between South Asia and Britain is important, and it’s important to allow people to share their stories and to receive support.

About the South Asian Heritage Month


Samaritans Awareness Day (24th July)

Every year in July, Samaritans aim to highlight that they’re available to talk to you anytime, night or day. The Samaritans are a service used for helping people who are struggling in all types of different ways – often people who are struggling with their mental health.

The Samaritans are there to listen to you and offer you any advice or reassurance they can. You can call, email, write in or find a local support group, as a method of reaching out. You can support Samaritans Awareness Day by posting on social media, using the tag #SamaritansAwarenessDay, and by sharing the downloadable social media assets.

If you’re struggling with your mental health and you’re unsure about where to start and how to improve it, there are a few things you can try. Reaching out to people and trying to connect can make you feel better; talking to someone you trust or even a stranger on a helpline, e.g., Samaritans, may help you. Trying to be physically active, if you can, or just stepping outside for a few minutes can improve your mood. Learning a new skill can help you to feel busy and interested, or doing something you enjoy without any pressure. Helping someone out or showing kindness to others may also help you feel better, and surrounding yourself with people who have a positive impact on your life. Trying out mindfulness and focusing on the present can help you to focus on how you feel in the present moment.

Trying these steps may help you to start feeling better, but if they don’t, you can book an appointment with your GP or use the mental health services online. There’s always someone who can offer you support and find what works for you:


International Day of Friendship (30th July)

Friendship is important, not just between people but on a bigger scale too. Having friends can make our lives more meaningful, but friendship between communities and countries can help build a more tolerant world.

International Day of Friendship

Published: Jul 3, 2024